Human RightsTrue Story

Human Rights Campaign Makes a Difference

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Big Papa Foundation supports the Human Rights campaign

From an appalling Municipal Equality Index score of 12/100 – this South Dakota community took action to do better! Be inspired when you see how they did it and got to 100. Watch Youtube video on this page and check out the Human Rights Campaign at to see the latest in equality news and to join Big Papa Foundation in the historic fight. We are seeking Full Equality for all – Nothing less.

Visit the Big Papa Action page to check in about active petitions to sign to make your voice heard in meaningful ways. Be amazed that some of the actions you can take haven’t crossed the finish line yet because of legislators dragging their feet on huge issues. Violence Against Women Act – anyone? Finish that one up, already! Let’s work together to Pass the Equality Act too! Our county’s existing discrimination laws leave gaps in protections for LGBTQ people as well as WOMEN and PEOPLE of COLOR! Support the Equality Act and ensure all of our civil rights are equally protected under the law. Petition link included here for your convenience. πŸ™‚

Also – Let’s reopen the government ASAP. It certainly is appalling that 800,000 people are going without paychecks and the FBI is having press conferences about how agents aren’t getting paid and are having to resort to using food pantries. This is a National Emergency that has been imposed on us by the Executive Office and Senate Leadership.

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6 comments on “Human Rights Campaign Makes a Difference


Human rights is a big deal, and I can’t believe around the world there are still people treating humans in a poor fashion.  This one story about this small town is amazing, It shows you the power of one little community and what they can achieve if everyone works together in peace and harmony.

To have a score of 12 out of 100 for the community must have felt terrible.  Instead of them just giving up they banded together and showed the world that they are a force to be reckoned with.

This video alone shows how passionate the community was about their reputation and they do love people from all walks of life just like everybody else should.  We are in this together regardless of where we are from, no one is really that different, we just have different beliefs and different material possessions.


May this community’s efforts inspire the nation to strive for equality everywhere – as outlined in The Equality Act!  Please feel free to sign the petition mentioned here and share the link to help us get this effort across the finish line. Teamwork makes the dream work!  πŸ™‚


I’m a big supporter of human right campaigns because I’m a firm believer that people should be treated equality and afforded the same opportunities irrespective of gender, race or preferences. Human Rights violation is rife in Africa and I wished there was a blog like this campaigning for the rights of people in a constructive and meaningful way. Thanks for the post I feel inspired to start a little human rights campaign especially for violence against women.


At the Big Papa Action page you can take action and follow your inspiration  – The VAWA petition remains active and a global petition against Rape is also active and available for people like you to participate in! Enjoy signing the petitions available and make your voice heard as  you do your part to mend the ills of the world. Thanks for all you do! Cheers!


I am not an American but where human rights are involved everyone should stop and listen because it might affect you or someone you love so the city has done great job in bringing everyone into inclusion and no one feels left behind but I hope that can happen to whole of. United States it would be great for now let’s congratulate city of the world south Dakota


We strive for Equality for Everyone Everywhere – and it takes people acting to bend the policies and practices toward justice and inclusion. Thank you for doing what you can wherever you are! 


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