Human RightsTrue Story

The Declaration of the rights of women 1791(France 230 years ago)

Please listen to episode #246 in its entirety !

Below is a quick screen shot image of currently planned events to join . (Don’t worry – it will grow. This is just the beginning. Please visit yourself and remember the women who came before us fighting for our rights – we stand on their shoulders and must act now to carry on with success. (I truly feel that if we all unite and do this together – we can not fail.)


A look at whats already planned

Casey has been busy this week trying to put useful information on this website for everyone to use as desired or needed. On Poshmark she has been seeking out listings of Plan B and protest wear to share widely for the fight ahead of us all. 👉Download Poshmark (app ) 📲and use invite code DATURAART for $10 free Poshmark shopping credit to get shopping for protest supplies and trusted contraception (in its original packaging.) Feel free to reach out to Casey for assistance with getting started with Poshmark . Just text 331-223-3944 (use code word “BigpapaPosh” for help.)

Above are Recent words of Casey Keith : who hopes that she isn’t the next feminist to meet her end at the guillotine (like our amazing French Predecessor.)

Happy 4th of July from Casey Keith
Download Poshmark app- use Invite code DATURAART for $10 shopping credits.

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